Collision Academy
A big thank you to K&M Autobody for providing us with this insightful and informative video. We truly appreciate the effort and time put into producing such valuable content.
A damage appraisal company built for you
A strongly documented appraisal with OEM and state law documentation to provide strong support the appraisal you are trusting in us.
I encourage all to sign up through the Collision Academy App for all private, username & password protected image & document uplads. Available here:
Its a case by case basis, kindly reach on the contacts page to inquire within. We promise a 24 hour response as we know time is of the essence, always but with emphasis for these claims
Due to the advanced database for these vehicles and often full manual write-ups without a database. These claims would be on a case by case basis and we recommend contacting us through the sit’s contact page to inquire within and we will respond within 24 hours
Featured Products
Diminished value
Applicable in the states of PA and NJ for comprehensive and liability claims, policy provision allows loss of value to a vehicle with a reported loss to be paid when repairs are complete. A non-chargable claim :)
Heavy equipment appraisals
Available for HE value disputes and independent damage appraisals using Adjustrite estimating software.
Total loss value dispute
Disagree with the value being provided for your vehicle when deemed a total loss? Fight back, its legal, its your right and its in your policy. We will assist in your fight with an Actual Cost Value.
Right to Appraisal Clause
Your insurance and repair center have a disagreement on the cost of repairs? Shop or Insurance unable to reach an agreed price? It happens and you could be on the hook. In most policies, a section for your "Right to Appraisal" is provided to you for these situations. It allows both the vehicle owner and responsible paying party to hire their own 3rd party appraisals to independently review the loss and repairs. They then each compare estimates and negotiate a final settlement that all parties abide by.
Don’t overlook your coverage. ATV/Motorcycle policies may contain diminished value and total loss value dispute. If so, we are here for you.
Yup, Drones. Many states, if not all, insurance is now required for registered drones. We can provide an accurate value of your drone, we can also provide an independent appraisal of any damage the drone may cause. Whether it be residential, commercial property, truck, trailer, or car. We got you covered.
This value does not include physical inspection if required. This value is based on an accurate appraisal by a seasoned licensed appraiser, OEM position statements, OEM material requirements, OEM procedures, accurate vendor usage within vehicle’s area code with a “OEM only until not available” attitude and ADAS report.
This value includes the full basic service plan + an interactive estimate for easy negotiations as it provides a more detailed approach per estimate line for easy viewing.
This value includes the full intermediate service + OEM day pass subscription to utilize all OEM certifications/safety procedures, safety recalls, a carfax report and (if applied/applicable)-A diagnosis report on any trouble codes present on scans
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